Salisbury Affordable Art Fair
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SU Art Galleries is pleased to invite artists to apply as exhibitors to the inaugural Affordable Art Fair. This one-day event brings together art appreciators in the community wishing to start or add to their art collection. It also supports local and regional artists who make work across diverse disciplines and are looking for a place to professionally present their work. The event will be free to the public and refreshments will be served.The fair will take place on Friday, May 17th from 5 to 8 pm at Salisbury University Art Galleries | Downtown. Selected artists will be provided with a standard 6-ft table or pedestals and 6-8 ft of wall space for hanging work. The Gallery will not charge a booth fee or take a commission on sales, but artists are encouraged to set up a Square, Venmo or Paypal account beforehand to process their own sales on site. The recommended price range is under $75 for small works and under $200 for larger pieces. The fair will be part of the larger Third Friday event in Downtown Salisbury.There are no residency requirements for artists but priority will be given to those living within 100 miles of Salisbury, MD. Artists must be present before, during and after the event to install, and de-install their work with support from SU Galleries staff. Please submit clear and high-resolution images of 10 pieces, a short bio and a one-paragraph artist statement to by May 1st.